Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Second to Last Day

Hey guys, second to last day for us.  While it seemed like a long time to start, it has gone by a little too quick.  However, we cannot wait to get home and see everybody.  Being this remote really puts in perspective the things we take for granted.

Tuesday we visited the local school.  No a/c and no creature comforts.  The kids study and learn in the heat, no flushing toilets and ants/bugs abound!  We have some great videos of the songs they sang for us.  Afterwards they competed for a bunch of Oreos that an Australian couple had brought.

Both yesterday and today have been rainy and cloudy.  It rained most of last night.  Still, it is a fantastic place.  Today we learned how to make a basket out of the coconut frond (the top part with the leaves).  We made them for what they call "lovo," which is a big feast.  Meats and fish are placed into the baskets and then buried with hot stones in the sand to cook for an hour or two.  We are about an hour from the feast.

Tomorrow will be our last full day here.  Everyday we see friends that we made here leave (they sing a song and give out leis on the way out) and it reminds us of the journey home.  This is probably our last post (at least from the resort).  Love and miss everyone.  Hugs and kisses to all.  Love...